Ptosis Surgery: Fixing the droopy lid

Eyelid Surgery Summit NJ

Droopy Eyelids Got You Down?

Do your upper eyelids make you look tired? For some, it is the heavy, saggy skin that has been building over the years. For others, it is a saggy lid itself or a “lazy eye.” Upper eyelid surgery can correct these issues?

Do I Need A Blepharoplasty or Ptosis Surgery?

To determine what the proper procedure is for you, you will be evaluated by Dr. Carniol and also your ophthalmologist.

What Causes Ptosis?

Ptosis of the eyelid is caused by issues with the muscles that raise the eyelid.  The levator muscle is responsible for opening the eyelid with the help of Muller’s muscle. If the levator muscle is not functioning correctly, the eyelid will droop. Top causes of levator dysfunction include weakening or trauma to the muscle. First, the weakening occurs over decades, allowing the muscle to stretch. Alternatively, for some patients, eye surgery (such as cataracts or glaucoma surgery) can stretch the muscle leading to weakening or loosening of the muscle attachment to the eyelid. Other patients will have other diseases of the eye or the body which is leading to the drooping. Dr. Carniol works with your ophthalmologist to ensure the best care for you.

How is Ptosis Surgery Done?

Ptosis surgery tightens the eyelid-raising muscles, allowing them to act better. For mild ptosis, Dr. Carniol will perform a mullerectomy procedure. This is peformed under anesthesia. The muscle on the undersurface of the eyelid is tightened by pinching a portion off and sewing the ends together. This shortens the muscle, leading to a higher eyelid. For moderate ptosis or for those who have had significant eye surgery, Dr. Carniol will perform a levator advancement. In this procedure, the levator muscle is advanced further onto the tarsus. Again, this shortens the muscle, raising the eyelid. This procedure is performed with sedation in the operating room. Both techniques allow for natural results and Dr. Carniol will discuss your options with you. To schedule the consultation, click here.


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