Hurricane Sandy and the Emergency Response Team

This week our town had a meeting of our emergency response team.  When Hurricane Sandy struck there were multiple storm related problems. For many days and nights we worked together to help our town through the numerous problems related to the storm.

At this week’s meeting we reviewed our response to the storm and discussed how we could possibly improve for the next disaster. We also discussed that we have had to deal with three severe storms in the past eighteen months. Therefore we have to anticipate that there will be more storms in the future.

It is most impressive that all of the members of our team, most of whom are volunteers, work so hard to serve our community, under challenging conditions, on their own time. I would like to thank all of the members of our emergency response team.

Recently one of the retired police captains who have dedicated numerous days and nights for multiple years to our town gave me a great complement and I want to thank him. He was introducing me to someone and he said, “This is Doc, whenever we need him, we call and he comes.”

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