BodyTone Where You Need It – Abs, Biceps, & Buttocks

BodyTone Where You Need It – Abs, Biceps, & Buttocks

BodyTone in Summit, NJ

What does it mean to look fit, healthy, and strong? What parts of the body do we associate with sex appeal and vigor? In the 21st century, human fitness has reached peaks never seen before. Modern understanding of exercise, muscle development, and nutrition have created remarkable new standards for fitness and beauty. 

But for many of us, a rigorous exercise routine and strict diet may not be enough to achieve the sculpted physiques of our dreams. Stubborn fat may cling to us no matter how hard we work out, and some muscles seem perpetually stuck on the factory floor. Thankfully, Carniol Plastic Surgery in Summit, NJ, has a non-surgical answer.

BodyTone offers a cutting-edge way to sculpt the modern markers of fitness—the abs, biceps, and buttocks. But what is BodyTone, and how does it achieve body toning, body sculpting, and body contouring without any sweat, gym memberships, or fasting?

No Pain, No Gain?

At its core, everyone knows what “no pain, no gain,” means. You have to train muscles through contractions over and over again to encourage growth and shape. But is weight training really the best way to train muscles and encourage growth? Or is it merely one way among many?

The gym has no shortage of pain to offer, while BodyTone serves as an intense, but mostly comfortable, alternative capable of improving muscles small and large in numerous areas of the body. With a handful of BodyTone sessions, you can:

  • Flatten your stomach
  • Strengthen core muscles (abs)
  • Tone arms
  • Lift Buttocks
  • Tighten thighs
  • Develop biceps & triceps

BodyTone to the Rescue

BodyTone works by using bioelectric stimulation to encourage more contractions in a targeted area than could be feasibly achieved in the same time at the gym. In just a 30-minute session, BodyTone creates upwards of 20,000 contractions in the treated area. That’s a lot of reps! 

And because BodyTone delivers such a concentrated amount of muscle training into every single session, it can create up to a 30% increase in muscle development—all from the comfort of a chair. So, how does BodyTone work on the most popular markers of fitness and sex appeal?


Who doesn’t dream of a flatter stomach and more developed abdominal muscles? But developing core strength can be trickier than it seems. In fact, many of the most popular abdominal exercises aren’t as effective as you may think. In other words, achieving that 6-pack is more challenging than advertised. 

Thankfully, BodyTone works wonders on the abdomen. By generating hyper-contractions, the BodyTone treatment is especially ideal for training, enlarging, and shaping the smaller abdominal muscles that add up to make the stomach of your fantasies. 

Higher muscle mass and concentrated bursts of muscle toning can also help you shed some of that remaining abdominal fat and increase your metabolic rate for a flatter, firmer, more sculpted stomach.


For modern women and men, strength is sexy. Biceps have been symbols of raw human power for generations, and they remain symbols today. But like crunches and sit-ups for the development of abs, constant curls may not be the best approach for developing the relatively smaller biceps. Here again, BodyTone can help.

The biceps are about more than size—they need shaping on two different fronts and that trademark peak in the middle. BodyTone treatments can shape and enlarge biceps in as little as 6-10 weeks, leading to drastically larger peaks and visible development in time for beach season and beyond.


No aspect of the body receives quite as much attention these days as the butt. Whole careers and fortunes have been made with shapely backsides alone. But depending on your build, your genes, and the amount of free time you can devote to squats, a shapely peach may be more or less within reach without additional help.

BodyTone cuts through the countless hours of glute training to enhance the muscles responsible for the “bubble” or “curve” of the rear end. Regardless of the amount of fat surrounding them, glute muscles alone can create the shapely double contours we need for going viral on Instagram. 

Try BodyTone Today at Carniol Plastic Surgery in Summit, NJ 

To get you in stunning shape for beach season and beyond, Carniol Plastic Surgery is offering a limited-time BodyTone special. Our BodyTone Package includes a series of 6 treatments for maximum effect at only $250 per treatment. For just $350, we can arrange a single discounted BodyTone session so that you can experience the difference for yourself. 

Before you try CoolSculpting, ultrasound body contouring, or fat-burning lasers, give your muscles the chance to rise to the occasion with BodyTone from Carniol Plastic Surgery. To schedule your first treatment session, call (908) 598-1400 today! 

How will you look in 6-10 weeks? BodyTone can help.

Don’t spend the rest of this summer, year, or decade wondering how you could look with more sculpted, powerful abs, biceps, and glutes. Try BodyTone from Carniol Plastic Surgery in Summit, NJ, and look forward to a more sculpted, leaner self in just 6-10 weeks’ time. To take advantage of our BodyTone specials, call us today at (908) 598-1400 or contact us online

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