Patient 1

Patient 1
- GENDER: female
This lady is in her late forties to fifty. She has several children. She cares about her appearance. She watches her diet and stays in shape.
She has some loosening of her face and neck skin and also has developed brown spots. She wants to look younger without surgery.
In the first photo, her skin texture has some roughness. She has varying skin pigment with multiple pigmented spots. She has some looseness of her cheeks with some jowling. Her jaw line also has some laxity.
The first photo was taken before her fractional laser treatment. She had one treatment with our fractional carbon dioxide laser.
The second photo taken fourteen months after her laser treatment; she is over a year older than in the pretreatment photo. In this photo the benefits of her laser treatment are quite noticeable.
Overall she appears more attractive. Her skin is smoother and tighter. She has significantly less cheek jowls and a well-defined jaw line. She has less brown spots. She is looking good with a dramatic improvement.