
    Acne Scars Before & After Gallery

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      Acne Scars : Patient 1

      Acne scars often do not improve on their own! After many years, this patient continued to be bothered by the scarring.  She was treated with a CO2 fractional laser treatment. Her recovery was painless and consisted of a light sunburn appearance for about 2 days. She is so pleased with

      Acne Scars : Patient 2

      This lady had deep acne scars that had not improved over many years, continuing to bother her.  Sometimes, very deep acne scars require combination treatments to get great improvements. This patient had a combination of fractional laser, laser resurfacing and fillers.  The fractional

      Acne Scar Subcision with Filler

      This patient was bothered by her acne scars, which did not improve as she got older. She was interested in many options. She underwent subcision with filler therapy. Dr. Carniol used topical numbing cream. Then using the filler, he was able to break up the scar, allowing it to "pop"

      Acne Scars : Patient 4

      Patient was unhappy with residual scarring from acne, and is thrilled with the improvement seen after just one treatment with subcision with filler!




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