
    Acne Rejuvenation Before & After Gallery

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      Acne Rejuvenation : Patient 1

      This patient was bothered by her severe acne and had not had great improvement with other medications and topicals.

      She underwent 2 treatments 4 weeks apart. Her after photo is following her second treatment. She was so overwhelmed with her results! She eventually went on for even further reduction and improvement

      Acne Rejuvenation : Patient 2

      This patient was bothered by her acne scarring. As well, it was leading to folds that were making her seem older. She underwent acne laser scar treatment.

      She was very excited about the results. Her skin was improved. The laser skin rejuvenation improved her folds and helped the scars recover.


      IPL Acne Treatment

      This patient was bothered by his severe acne. After a single treatment, there was an amazing improvement in his skin. He then went on for another treatment before returning back to college.  The treatment was painless with no downtime. He was so happy!

      Typically, acne patients will have several treatments done




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