Gender Affirming Surgery

Reclaiming Your Authentic Self
Gender affirming surgery is an umbrella term for many different procedures that can help people who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming to feel more comfortable in their own bodies. While there may be several different options, the best surgery for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.
For many, the hairline or balding patterns give a particular gender bias to the observer, or relinquish one’s youthful appearance. Treatments may include:
- Hair transplantation: Hair transplantation is a procedure in which hair follicles are taken from the back of the head and then transplanted to another portion of the scalp. Creating a more rounded hairline for example can change the view of a strong masculine hairline, to a more feminine, youthful shape.
- Hair removal: Laser hair removal can be powerful in transforming one’s appearance.

There are a number of different facial surgeries that can be performed to help people who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming to achieve a more feminine or masculine appearance. These surgeries can include:
Facial Feminization Surgery
Rhinoplasty can be used to make the nose smaller, narrower, and more feminine.
Brow Lift procedures are tailored to desired goals for raising or altering the shape of the brow. Incisions are made within the hair and brow is then elevated either up or up and to the side. Botox/Daxxify/Dysport can be used to give a non-surgical alternative as an ongoing treatment or can partially simulate the effect of surgery.
Chin procedures can change the lower third of the face. Chin procedures can include dermal fillers, Botox/Daxxify, chin implant (mentoplasty), and chin bone shave.
Cheek augmentation can be used to make the cheeks fuller and more feminine. This can be performed either with dermal fillers or with a solid implant.
Jawline contouring can be used to make the jawline more feminine. This can be performed with neuromodulators such as Botox/Daxxify/Dysport into the masseter muscle or with alteration of the prominence of the jaw bone.
As we age, the upper eyelids stretch. If the lid heaviness is enough, it can prevent eyeliner or good eye shadow use, making it harder to ghost. Therefore an eyelid procedure can brighten your eyes and allow the flexibility to wear the makeup right for you.
Facial Masculinization Surgery
Rhinoplasty can be used to make the nose larger, wider, and more masculine.
Chin augmentation can be used to make the chin broader, more prominent, and stronger.
Cheek augmentation can be used to change the projection of the cheek bones to appear more masculine. Dermal fillers as well as alloplastic implants can be used.
Jawline contouring either with dermal fillers or with customized implants to make the jawline more pronounced.
Neck Contouring: Neck contouring can be used to define the jawline and accentuate the jawline. This procedure is typically performed using liposuction and/or skin tightening.
Who is a Candidate for Gender Affirming Surgery?
When patients present already on medical management, Dr. Eric Carniol can tailor his treatments based on your individual needs and goals and will help you determine if surgery is right for you.
If you are struggling with gender dysphoria, don’t despair. There are a number of effective gender affirming surgeries available that can help you reclaim your authentic self.